Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be mine....

I almost forgot to post VALENTINE pictures!!

A year of firsts....

This is the first year for Jonas to write his own name on his Valentines.

AND....(this is a biggie....)

Silas picked out a special Valentine for a girl! Sweet heavens.....

By the way, we do actually believe in clothes around here. Silas, however, will strip down at the drop of a hat!
In their defense, they did just get out of the bathtub... :)

Sweet lil boys....

Church day...

I seriously think Jonas looks older today....

Maybe it's because he now goes to big school....
Maybe it's because I cut off that stringy hair he had hanging in his eyes if it wasn't pushed to the side....
Maybe it's because he is sporting a tie that I didn't get out of the toddler department....
Maybe it's because he is now four and "growin' into a man"....


When did this happen???

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First Day!!

Jonas's first day of Montessori was Monday, the 13th. was field trip day!

Once every few months, the students of Montessori travel to the Lexington Manor to sing. Since it was close to Valentine's Day, they all sang Valentine songs and passed out Valentines to the residents. The boys' grandmother, Mamaw, is a resident of Lexington Manor. Silas LOVES to sing for his Mamaw! This time, Jonas gets to sing as well. :)
Jonas- Morning of his first day...
Ignore the backpack. Joe insisted that he bring THAT particular backpack.  I told him it had Silas's inital's on the outside. He didn't mind. That's what he wanted to take! 
Jonas thinking, "I do not know these songs, and I am not going to sing them."

My Sleeping Beauty

Silas woke up last Sunday morning not feeling too well. My little guy had a tummy ache, so he and I stayed home from church. Precious....

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Last day....

Jojo's last day of Little Acorn was Friday, February 9.

He LOVES Ms. Dana, but was so very excited to attend Montessori with Silas! Jonas has come a long way the past year. He loved staying with Ms. Jean when he was 6 weeks-3 years old. However, I knew that he couldn't stay with Ms. Jean forever.

Sending him to Little Acorn was a growing experience for the both of us. He was/is my baby! He adored Mary Beth, his very first teacher. Talk about love...He was IN LOVE with her! He later transitioned to another classroom without Jason or me even knowing. I went to sign him in one morning, and his name was taken off the class list. Joe had been moved into another classroom. I went to that room, signed him in, all the while knowing Jonas was not "good" with change. Definitely a bad move for him! We tried to "talk him up" about his great his new teacher is and his new friends, but it was not working out for him. When it got to the point of him saying he wanted to go back to Ms. Jean's, I knew it was time to ask for a change. I NEVER want to be THAT PARENT who isn't satisfied. However, after listening to him cry every day for a month, I asked for a classroom change. That conversation brought us to Ms. Dana. She was Joe's safe haven. I am so thankful for her, and the love she shows my baby!

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Trying to catch up....

I promise I haven't forgotten about blogging....

Took the boys to Chuck E. Cheese's a few weeks ago....

Just now posting pictures....

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Growing Up...

Jonas has some exciting news to share!

Watch "Jojo" on YouTube