Saturday, April 28, 2012

Resurrection Sunday

We had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday.  Church service was great.  Dinner at my daddy's was great.  Small little egg hunt was great.  Wonderful day to celebrate our Lord. 


My boys had their first "speaking part" at church....  They spoke flawlessly in front of the church body.  I was so proud of them.  Getting ready for church Sunday morning I made sure I had the video camera charged and ready... Jason: You know they are not going to say it, don't you?  Me: Yes, they will.  You have to have high expectations... They will do it.  Have faith in them.... 

They did it. So sweet. 

Thank you, Ms. Krystal, for challenging my boys to step outside of their comfort zone.  You are great with all of our kids....

Lucas: I ring a bell of victory.
Jonas: I ring a bell of love.
Silas: I ring a bell of joy.
Taylor: I ring a bell of hope.

Rebekah: I ring a bell of peace.
All: We ring bells of Easter for Jesus Christ is risen today....

(By the way, they rang their little hand bells as they spoke....My heart was/is melting...)